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How Does Propecia Help in the Treatment of Hair Loss

Mens Health > How Does Propecia Help in the Treatment of Hair Loss

Propecia is a medicine for men to treat androgenetic alopecia. It is readily available in almost all pharmaticeuls stores of America. The U.S Food and Drug Administration gave marketing clearance to it on December 19, 1997. The FDA gave the clearance after a clinical study among more than 1800 men for two years. Propecia usually takes around three to six months to show results. However, for better results one has to use it for a long duration.

Propecia is like vitamin pills. It helps in natural growth of hair. It treats male pattern hair loss in the vertex and anterior mid-scalp area. It decreases the production of androgens, which causes male-pattern baldness. One should continue taking it to maintain the re-growth of hair.

A series of analyses have asserted that Propecia is more beneficial than other similar medicines available in the market. An observation showed that only 17 percent of men taking the therapy did not get positive.

Propecia has minimum side effects. These side effects are temporary. Tests show that only two percent of men using it had sex related problems such as less sexual desire, problems in achieving an erection or decrease in amount of semen. The side effects disappeared after some time both in those who stopped taking

Propecia does not necessarily work on every man. If you Buy Propecia you should stop using it, if it does not work upon him after using it for twelve months. It is harmful to children and women. Women either pregnant or about to have a pregnancy should avoid it at any cost. Otherwise, it may cause abnormalities like hypospadias (sex organ disorder) in their male children.

Mens Health > How Does Propecia Help in the Treatment of Hair Loss