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When libido wanes, A low Libido

Reproductive Health > When libido wanes, A low Libido

Everyone experiences changes in libido at some point. When libido wanes for a prolonged period, the resulting impact to your relationship and sense of self can create stress, which only worsens the problem.

If you are experiencing a change in libido, you will first want to rule out any medical causes. These include side effects of any medication you may be taking.

Assuming there is no identifiable medical or prescription drug cause, you should look within.Although there are safe herbal potions such as Yohimbe Fuel supplements one can take tolift a sagging libido, there are a number of questions you can ask yourself to get to the root of the problem. Honest introspection can yield answers that get the fires burning again.

Questions to consider:

Am I getting enough rest? It is nearly impossible to feel romantic when you are exhausted.

Do you have enough variety in your activities? Sometimes, you may just need a chance to step out of your mom and/or caretaker role and

Are you holding your tongue? Building resentments are notorious passion blockers. If you have something on your mind, speak up and clear the air. If you don't feel heard, keep trying. Remember to talk about how the transgression makes you feel without blaming. If your partner feels attacked and becomes defensive, it will be difficult to communicate on a level that leads to resolution.

Are you comfortable with your body? It is an inevitable fact of life that bodies change with age, time and childbearing. Sexy has many shapes, and is largely a matter of the mind. We have been told that size six is sexy, but so is confidence, wisdom, intelligence, competence, assertiveness. _______________(you fill in the blank with what makes you sexy).

Do you enjoy sex? You might benefit from some changes. Do you need more conversation or cuddling? Would appreciate being able to sleep nude without pressure, but with a why don't we see what happens attitude? Ask for what you want.

Are you experiencing any discomfort? Fibroids, menopause and endometriosis can lead to some discomfort and even pain with intercourse. Talk with your health care professional for advice.

There is an important place for patience in this process. Give yourself the time and space you need to rediscover the sexual part of your sexuality.

If you continue to have concerns about your libido, consider seeking the advice of a counselor or therapist.

Reproductive Health > When libido wanes, A low Libido