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The Secrets of Reflexology

Treatments and Therapies > > The Secrets of Reflexology

A branch of massage therapy, which focuses on applying pressure to different parts of your body to release the tensions, is reflexology. It activates the inert energy levels of your body to release and eliminate toxins from your body. Thus, reflexology helps you to cure your ailments and maintain a healthy state of mind and body.

When you overwork yourself, your body is not able to put up with the excessive strain. This comes out in the form of fatigue, muscular pains and other body aches. Your blood is the primary carrier of oxygen to all the parts of the body and is an active participant in the process of excretion of the toxins and waste materials. However, when you overexert yourself, the normal functioning of the internal systems tend to suffer. This is where reflexology comes to your rescue.

Most of your nerve endings are in the feet region. Therefore, when the internal systems are malfunctioning, the instant reflection is on your feet, which feel heavier due to the deposits of excessive waste materials and at the same time, face the maximum gravitational pull. Soon these wastes solidify and aggravate your problem. When reflexology applies different pressure to particular parts of your feet, these deposits break up and your blood now finds it easier to eliminate them from the various points.

The theory behind reflexology is to maintain proper connection between the different reflex organs and points of the body for your overall well-being. You will experience enhanced mental and physical health, your muscles will feel refreshed and the whole process is very invigorating. All the normal body processes function much well.

The therapist should have full knowledge of your entire medical history. In addition, he should be aware of any traumas or major physical injuries to determine the type of treatment and massage necessary for your betterment. This will indicate the particular points of your body, which need more attention in reflexology.

Treatments and Therapies > > The Secrets of Reflexology