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Social Activities and Aging, Aging and Senior Health

Aging > Social activities and aging

When a person has spent a lifetime in the workplace – punching a clock and performing expected tasks – retirement offers the promise of rest and unencumbered time. But the reality for many is that tedium and loneliness soon take their toll, leaving behind bitterness and despair.

Recent studies have linked social ties to the physical and mental health of those facing their senior years. According to a long-term stuffy by the American Society on Aging, social ties have a positive affect on the health and longevity of seniors. Other similar studies have suggested similar results, including the positive affect of marriage on typical life spans. While it might be that social activities tend to keep us young, a more likely explanation could be the peace of mind that comes with having a network of friends and family to call on in the event of an emergency. For those seniors who have lost a spouse and live alone for the first time, anxiety over transportation for medical appointments and basic needs – including trips to purchase groceries and other necessities – can often cause mental stress that leads to long-term health issues.

One of the best ways to cope, according to several experts in the field, is to simply mingle with others. Senior adult cevnters around the country offer opportunities to meet for lunches and outings. Many areas offer transportation programs through public or private organizations. Churches often tailor activities to the needs of seniors in the congregation.

Another important issue seems to be the ability to adapt to the new situation. A person who has spent his entire life in the workplace is often unprepared for the sometimes daunting task of filling the days. “Fun” activities can seem less worthwhile or meaningless, especially for those who live alone. Men are possibly more often in this group because of their role as “breadwinner” during those earlier years. A man who has spent his life doing labor for a wage might feel lazy spending his days in pursuit of activities such as reading. Finding a way to make oneself happy with the new lifestyle could be an important step in the aging process. Finding pursuits that fulfill the need for accomplishment could be another.

The goals of most people during the working years are usually career-oriented. The need for additional education and skills to advance in the workforce is a common goal. Balancing time between family, spiritual and career goals makes time a precious commodity and pushes secondary goals to the back. Retirement is a good opportunity to dust off those dreams and make them a reality. It’s never too late to learn a new skill or craft, take a class or pick up a musical instrument. Find others with similar interests – amateur writers’ groups, craft clubs and service organizations offer both social contact and a chance to make a difference in the community.

An age ago, retirement was called “the golden years.” With a little imagination, a little effort and a network of family and friends, it’s easy to remember why.

Aging And Senior Health

If you are above the age of 55, you should know that you have to take your health seriously. Maintaining good health is a bit different for seniors than it is for those that haven’t reached senior status yet. First of all, you have to consider that as your body has aged, you will need to build up strength in your body and your organs. Part of this process is to eat a balanced and healthy diet as is prescribed by the food pyramid. Part of your healthy diet should be a regular dose of calcium for your bones. It helps to prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin supplements are great for those that aren’t really certain if they are getting their recommended does of vitamins a minerals from their diet.

Seniors rarely take their health for granted as younger people do. But even the most health conscious senior can err in the health department. What seniors have to remember is that you have to stay active for as long as your body lets you because once you slow down, so does your body. Senior blood circulation is not as good as it used to be, so seniors have to be active to keep the blood flowing properly. That is the main thing so as to avoid getting blockages and clots in the system.

You should also keep your health regimen in tune with your physical capabilities. As a senior you should also consider adding an aspirin therapy to your daily health regimen to help prevent heart attacks and strokes. It is growing in popularity but you should consult a doctor first to ensure that it won’t interfere with other medications that you are taking. The average dose for heart attack prevention is about 80mg a day. Arthritis is a major problem for many seniors, as well as everything else. If you maintain a good fitness regimen, you should be just fine. Nothing can help to make up for vitamin deficiencies better than supplements. A good daily does of calcium and vitamins B2 and C are necessary to maintain a good strong bones which every senior knows is necessary if they want to live long lives because it helps prevent avoidable injuries.

Aging > Social activities and aging