Herbs have magnificent healing powers and can be used to treat many serious yet common ailments and to boost your health.

Alternative Health for Women

Alternative Health > Alternative Health for Women

Alternative health for women is becoming more and more popular as women look for other methods of treating pain and illness rather than the more traditional western medicine that so often doesn’t work. Using herbal remedies as alternative health has been passed down from generation of women to generation. Herbal remedies are often used as a supplement to modern drugs and surgery.

If you are thinking about using herbs as a form of alternative health there are many places that you can go to get the accurate information that you need to find the right herbal remedy that is helpful for what you are trying to treat.

Following are herbal remedies that have proven to be very effective for women:

• Kava Kava: this is a plant that is found in the Pacific. It is used to treat pain and anxiety. It is also useful as an alternative health method for the relaxation of the muscles.
• Feverfew: this herb is used in the treatment of migraine headaches. Taken in amounts of at least 250 micrograms, feverfew has the ability to prevent migraines before they occur.
• Valerian Root: this alternative health method is used to reduce anxiety. It is also used to promote better sleep.
• Dandelion Root: used as an alternative health method, dandelion root works as a mild diuretic. It is also used to help relieve fatigue, especially when the hormone levels in a woman are high.
• Red Raspberry: this herb is used as a uterine tonic and can also help to reduce the pain of menstruation.
• Cramp Bark: used as an alternative health method, this herb is used in the treatment of PMS and can also ease painful cramping.
• Chaste Berry: this herb is used to reduce the prolactin levels in a woman and help the hormone levels return to normal.

Before starting to use any alternative health methods you should always check with you doctor and herbalist to make sure that it is safe for you to use a certain herb.

Alternative Health > Alternative Health for Women