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Fasting for Health

Alternative Health > Fasting for Health

If you follow a properly conducted fast, your health will improve drastically. Fasting does wonderful things to your body and mind but you need to make sure that the one you use has been doctor approved. Fasting is meant to increase your body’s self-healing and regenerating properties, not harm you.

You might be wondering just exactly what fasting is. If that is the case, listen up. Fasting is the complete avoidance of any substances except for pure water. Also, fasting is supposed to be done in a calm and restful environment.

This natural health remedy is popular but is often abused. People are given fasting ideas from their friends or find them off of the internet but they often aren’t as healthy as they would like to believe. In fact, the only safe way to start fasting is to check with your doctor first.

Fasting can last for as many days as you want. Although going past 30 really is not recommended. Fasting often goes along with a major change you want to make in your life. If you want to start exercising and eating healthy, it is a great idea to fast first, so your body will be rid of toxins and unhealthy food before you begin.

Keep in mind that if you go from eating fast food every day to vegetable sandwiches and tofu, you may not feel great right away. That is why it is important to start fasting first, at least for a few days, so you can prepare your body for the nutritious food it is going to be receiving.

Fasting has been known to help people recover from a variety of conditions and ailments. Drug and alcohol addicts have found that fasting even helps to reduce some of their withdrawal symptoms. Back and neck pain is also reduced through fasting as well.

Fasting is not right for everyone and you should consider a few things before you begin one of your own. Have you doctor check you out and look over your medical history. A physical exam should be performed and listen to the recommendations that they tell you at that time.

It is advised that fasting regimens over three days should always be conducted in an institution. You will always have someone on hand to help you and offer you advice and if anything were to go wrong, someone would be right there to help you. Also, having supervision at all times will ensure that you do not cheat on your fast with that bag of cookies in your cupboard.

You may feel more alert, aware and sharp once your fasting experience is complete. Physical ailments may be gone and your overall health will have improved drastically. Fasting should only be done once a year, not more. So, consult your local doctor and get ready to fast your way to better health.

Alternative Health > Fasting for Health