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Music Therapy

Alternative Health > Music Therapy

Music therapy is an alternative health method that uses musical experiences to bring about positive changes in behavior and experience. These musical experiences range from singing, playing instruments, listening or moving to music, or creating music. Therapy brings about relaxation, promotes healing and contributes to patient’s overall well being.

Specially trained music therapists work with a variety of clients to treat a variety of ailments and conditions. These include brain injuries, autism, terminal illness, various psychiatric disorders, addictions and dementias. Music therapy has been proven an effective alternative health method for treatment of stress, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease, acute and chronic pain and stroke. Therapists often use music to improve communication among the mentally and physically handicapped, enabling them to better express themselves. When stroke victims listen to music, their muscle movements synchronize with the beat, and through repeated therapy, motor skills can be repaired or improved.

Music therapy appeals to the body’s visceral reaction to music to reap its benefits. Drawing from energy released when listening to an up tempo song, or on the sense of inner peace experienced when listening to classical works, music therapy uses the body’s natural reactions to release endorphins and hormones which promote health. It can also distract patients from negative thoughts and feelings, keeping them from dwelling on physical pain or depression.

Research studies regarding this method of alternative health show that it is an effective way to promote relaxation and to relieve stress and anxiety in cancer patients, burn victims, and those with heart disease or diabetes. It can strengthen communication skills, improve physical and mental functioning and can reduce the need for pain medication in cases of chronic illness. Music therapy can greatly improve quality of life for terminally ill patients and for those suffering from dementia.

Because music therapy is used for such a variety of ailments and conditions, the number of sessions required greatly varies. Sessions can be conducted anywhere from several times a day, in hospital situations, to once a week, in the case of private consultations.

Therapy can be conducted with individuals or in small or large groups. This alternative health method is extremely versatile, and ongoing scientific research is continually finding evidence for its positive effects.