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Understanding Autoimmune Disease

Conditions > Understanding Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease consists of such diseases of the human body, where your general system starts working against your own body organs. This can affect any part of the human body and generally, its presence is more in women. The autoimmune disease literally attacks the normal immunization system of your body.

The main cause behind autoimmune disease is not clear, though hormones do play a role. It may aggravate during pregnancy, after delivery, menopause or during the younger years. Some cases are hereditary. However, the illness differs amongst the family members.

It is not very easy to detect the autoimmune disease. Thus to properly diagnose it is important that the doctor conducts a detailed investigation. You need to visit him at regular intervals to continue with the general medication. This may not hamper your normal life, though some of the medicines have serious side effects.

An example of an autoimmune disease is Alopecia Areata, which develops baldness in many areas. Thyroiditis affects your thyroid gland, which does not function properly. Your weight will change and you tend to become very sensitive to normal changes. Diabetes is very common, where you lose your insulin manufacturing cells. Hence, you may need regular and daily doses of insulin to be alive. Lupus affects your vital organs and you may find no reason to attribute for your fever, chest pain or even loss of hair.

Another autoimmune disease is the inflammatory bowel disease. This affects your digestive system and more specifically your intestines. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints and may cause swelling and stiffness. Symptoms of dryness in the eyes and mouth could be Scleroderma, which forms scars in you internal tissues. Multiple Sclerosis is a very complex illness in the sense that it affects your nervous system. A person is unable to perform routine functions such as talking, walking or writing.

Conditions > Understanding Autoimmune Disease