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BHIA Constipation Can Interfere with Your Digestive Health, or be an Indication of Serious Problems

Digestive Health > > Constipation Can Interfere with Your Digestive Health, or be an Indication of Serious Problems

Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints in the United States. While that’s good news for the laxative industry, there are many alternatives to laxatives that can prevent and cure constipation. The best method of treatment is maintaining good digestive health habits.

Constipation is a painful problem and is characterized by the inability to have regular bowel movements or the passage of only hard, dry bowel movements only a few times a week. When a person is constipated, any form of bowel movement can be painful. People who suffer from this type of poor digestive health are often left feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and tired.

There is no recommended number of bowel movements you should have each day or each week. The waste your body rids is dependent upon many factors including the amount and types fo food you eat and the amount of water you drink.

While constipation can be an indication of a more serious problem, poor diet and lack of exercise are the most common causes.

How the Digestive Process Works

Constipation is usually a problem in the large intestine. As food goes through the colon, it absorbs water and waste products left over after the body has processed all of the vitamins and nutrients it can from food consumed. The waste and liquid form a stool that is eventually eliminated through muscle contractions in the colon. The stool is pushed out through the rectum. When the stool gets that far, it is

If the body absorbs too much liquid, stools become dry and harder. They are therefore harder to eliminate. If the muscles of the colon are slow or not working properly, the stool might stay in the colon too long.

Avoid Constipation by Caring for Your Digestive Health

It is important to make sure you take in plenty of fiber and drink at least six to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Exercise regularly to keep your entire body fit and muscles toned. Despite your best efforts to maintain good digestive health, some medications will contribute to constipation. Be careful in using laxatives because abuse of them can make constipation even worse. Never ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.

Constipation can be an indication of a more serious problem including problems with the colon and rectum or problems with intestinal function so it is important to isolate the causes of the problem.

Increase the fiber in your diet by eating more:

• fruits
• vegetables
• whole grains

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and becomes a gel-like substance in the intestines. Insoluble fiber passes through the intestines without much change. The bulk and texture of fiber makes stools softer and easier to pass.

Diseases that can Cause Constipation

While constipation is a normal, common problem suffered by millions of Americans each year, there are some diseases that cause constipation and they include neurological disorders, metabolic and endocrine disorders. Other conditions that affect the organs can also contribute to constipation.

Digestive Health > > Constipation Can Interfere with Your Digestive Health, or be an Indication of Serious Problems