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Rehab after Surgery

Rehabilitation > Rehab after Surgery

Most people think that the process of getting surgery is terrible in its own right, but these people do not often foresee the troubles that can arise from what happens once the surgery has healed. Sometimes getting surgery to heal a broken or damaged body part can result in nerve, tissue and muscle that will eventually have to be re-introduced into movement with much effort on the sufferer’s part. This process is the rehab after surgery. What the rehab entails is a combination of physical and psychological therapy.

The physical aspect of the therapy is what is needed in order for the muscles and damaged body part to regain its normal function. This process is often quite painful at first because these muscles and nerves have been out of service for quite a while and usually they are stiff because of that. Rehab after surgery usually involves some use of weights and/or weight equipment, walking aids when needed and also massage so that the muscles can relax enough after the intense training in order for them to run properly during the next rehab session.

Some types of rehab after a major surgery can take years to accomplish depending on the damage that was done to the surrounding muscle tissue and nervous system. It can also depend on how much pressure is placed on that body part in an average day. For example, getting rehab after knee surgery can take a great deal of time because it is a body part that is always in use. IT is also one the major areas of the body that takes on a great deal of weight and pressure in an average day. However, if you ever get surgery on your elbow it could be much easier, unless your job requires a great deal of heavy or constant lifting. If you are given the task of going through rehab after your surgery, you should that this is not for the weak at heart. It takes a great deal of physical therapy and emotional healing.

Rehabilitation > Rehab after Surgery