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How to Reaffirm your Children’s Reproductive Health

Reproductive Health > How to Reaffirm your Children’s Reproductive Health

It’s bound to come up sometime. Children are curious. They hear about the birds and the bees from their peers at school. They wonder about their own bodies. So there is really no getting around dealing with your children’s reproductive health. To avoid it would be unhealthy for you

That’s why experts say it’s never too early to start discussing the situation with your children. Being open, even with the little ones, will promote a positive attitude about reproductive health. Instead of something dirty and sneaky, your children will learn that reproduction is something open, honest, and something valuable—in other words, something not to taken lightly.

Make sure from an early age that your children know that you are always there to talk with them about sexual issues. From the get-go, be sure to let them feel a comfort level coming to you about even the most

The Birds and the Bees Shouldn’t Sting

Of course, you’ll need to keep a straight face and an open mind to it all, which might not be all that easy. Plus, you don’t want to feel the urge to throw everything at your children all at once.

It’s best to take an approach that allows you to react and predict situations, and conversations, as they come up. This approach assumes a lot of trust between you and your children, and a knowledge on your

Your Education First

Reproductive health issues can begin at your children’s preschool level believe it or not. That’s when kids begin to get a grip on who they are, and what kind of bodies they have. As with anything else, kids immediately want

You may even find your boy or girl “playing” with their body parts. You may even find your child playing with another child’s body parts, the proverbial game ’t overreact.

It doesn’t mean that you child is a pervert or a freak, so don’t let them get this impression. So try not to display anger or shock. Just explain that they should not touch other’s private parts, just as others ’t touch their private parts.

Make sure they understand that it’s not fine for others, even friends or family, to touch them there. Only doctors during checkups can, and this is for important medical reasons. Even adults, tell them, follow these rules.

Even if you feel helpless or clueless in the face of a situation or a question, make sure your children know it was still fine that they approached you. You are there only trusted source of information on this topic. They should always feel confident in that.

Their Education Next

Things may get a bit dicier when your children reach school age and then puberty. That’s when they will face children full of hormones, full of

You should be prepared to address this next stage in their reproductive health. Puberty is one of the best opportunities to talk with your children about sex and sexual matters. Be sure to discuss with them all of the physical, emotional,

By the time that they hit puberty, children should also know:

  • The names of the male and female sexual organs
  • The functions of these organs
  • How sexual intercourse occurs
  • How sexual intercourse can cause pregnancies
  • The causes and ways to prevent sexually transmitted disease
  • Your sexual values and expectations of them

Puberty can be trying enough for your children. Be there for them during this turbulent time, as much as they seem to be pushing you away. Your main goal should be this support, and the encouragement that it is a healthy and good thing that they are experiencing.

This last bit of advice rings true most for children who go through puberty earlier or later than their friends. In these situations, children can feel even more out of place and awkward than usual, and that’s saying a lot!

Your children’s reproductive health may be one of the toughest subjects to tackle as a parent. But it is your responsibility and part of ensuring that they become healthy, well adjusted adults. Just think. If you turn down the job, little Johnnie or Susie at recess will be more than glad to explain to your children what they learned from their big brother about the birds and the bees.

Reproductive Health > How to Reaffirm your Children’s Reproductive Health