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Female Reproductive System

Reproductive Health > Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system is composed of many separate parts, and because of that it can be very difficult to ensure that you are taking care of yourself in the right way in order to maintain the health of your reproductive system. Women have to watch what they eat, exercise regularly, eat balanced nutrition, according to the food guide pyramid’s stipulations, and regularly see the gynecologist in order to assure that your reproductive system is in tact. Because many of a woman’s reproductive parts are located inside the body, it can be much harder to identify some problems by site alone.

In order to properly maintain your reproductive system’s health, women need to visit their gynecologist at least once a year because it is here that you can get your pap smear and a general breast exam. Pap smears can provide you with early diagnosis of complication like cervical cancer and polyps that may be present in and around the area. You should also ensure that you are using tampons correctly as they can cause PID (pelvic inflammatory Disease) This can cause sterility if not treated. The female reproductive system is susceptible to many complications such as: endometriosis, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, ovarian problems and many others.

Some of the best things that you can do to ensure your own reproductive health is to practice safe sex with a condom, and make sure that anything that happens to touch your vaginal area is clean. You should wash your hands before and after using the restroom just to be sure. Some of the symptoms that can mean that you may have a reproductive problem are: abdominal pain, a change in menstrual cycles, spotting when a cycle is not nearby, swelling in the stomach, and unusual discharge. If any of these symptoms persist, you should consult a gynecologist just to be safe.

Female Reproductive System

Reproductive Health > Female Reproductive System