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Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Symptoms > Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Sometimes it is hard to tell exactly when what you are feeling and responding to are early pregnancy symptoms. At the same time, early pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman. But here are a few of the most common early pregnancy symptoms.

Interestingly enough, the first of early pregnancy symptoms is implantation bleeding. When a woman conceives, within a few (about 8) days afterward, she will notice some spotting and/or minor cramping. This bleeding occurs as the embryo implants itself into the woman's uterine lining-or wall.

One of the first early pregnancy symptoms to appear is the absence of a menstrual period, or menstruation. This is also the most common sign that women pay attention to and seek a test for pregnancy. According to americanpregnancy.com, you will miss your next period if you are pregnant, though a few women atypically have some spotting or bleeding while they are pregnant.

The next of the early pregnancy symptoms you might experience are nausea and vomiting. These are most common symptoms; however, since women experience this time differently, many have in the past reported to not having any "morning sickness," some experience the morning sickness only at night, and others comment that they never experienced nausea or vomiting. If it does occur, it will likely do so approximately two weeks are a woman has conceived and can last up to eight weeks.

Another symptom that is common is the swelling or tender-to-the-touch feeling in a woman's breasts. These particular combined early pregnancy symptoms typically start about one to two weeks after conception has taken place.

The more painful of the early pregnancy symptoms is the lower back pain that may come on as early as the first month. Just as common is that the same symptom will endure throughout the length of a woman's pregnancy.

Headaches, too, are typical early pregnancy symptoms that are cause by rapid and sudden rising of leutenizing and other hormones.

In addition, the start of frequent urination is one of the more frustrating of early pregnancy symptoms.

A woman will also see a darkening of the skin around the nipples (the areolas), as well as continued swelling, as milk production is occurring.

And finally, the most well-known of early pregnancy symptoms is the cravings for certain foods. Some women have been infamously known to combine pickles and ice cream, though many others have subtler or even stranger cravings.

Symptoms > Early Pregnancy Symptoms