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Menopause Symptoms

Symptoms > Menopause Symptoms

What's interesting, first of all, is like the tests that exist testing those pregnancy symptoms, there's evidently now a home test for menopause symptoms. But for those of us who are too busy flashing and getting flushed of skin, here are a few of the typical menopause symptoms.

One of the first menopause symptoms to come on is, of course, the infamous hot flash. Accompanied by the delightful night sweats, hot flashes can begin befor a woman stops menstruating completely. The hot flashes bring a feeling or sensation of chest to head fire, usually accompanied by a flushing of blood to the face and thereby reddening the skin.

Paradoxically, the menopause symptoms to immediately follow the hot flashes are sensations of chills and cold sweats, as wellas, possibly, a feeling of being faint or dizzy and weak. The cold flashes-combined with the hot-only last a grueling 3 to 5 minutes each episode for many women, and will last anywhere from a few months to a few years for them--while other women never feel them at all during all of menopause.

Other nighttime menopause symptoms are what medical experts call night sweats, virtually the same things as hot flashes, though occurring during a woman's sleeping hours.

Another of the menopause symptoms is not as drastic, as it comes on and continues gradually to the end of menopause: menstrual irregularity. A woman's cycle may shorten or lengthen, be heavier or lighter. At the same time, such vaginal changes as interior dryness, burning, itching, soreness, and/or inflammation can occur.

Menopause symptoms include urinary differences, or changes, as well. Many women have to urinate more often, might experience a burning or pain during urination, and might have what is called stress incontinence-whereupon they leak a bit of urine when they cough, sneeze, laugh, do strenuous activity or exercise, or when they have intercourse.

And menopause symptoms paradoxically also mimic PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Now with headaches due to estrogen levels changing in a different direction, now with irritability, mood swings, bloating, heart palpitations, and skin drying and thinning, coming of age has another meaning.

Symptoms > Menopause Symptoms