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Menopause symptoms

Symptoms > Menopause symptoms

Menopause symptoms, or other wise known as the change of life. It hits women at different times of her life. No women has a set date of when the change of life will hit, but her family history will give her a guide line in which she can use to tell her when it might start.

Some women experience the change as early as early thirties, so as late at sixty. It is a time when some women experience such life altering symptoms, while other sail through it like it was nothing. A woman’s hormones change and her mood swings can go from happy happy, joy, joy, to sadness that finds her crying all the time for now reason. It is hard on not only the woman but those that love her. In some cases they are given hormone replacement therapy, but this has been linked to heart disease and breast cancer. Other women take anti depressants that seem to work, but change their quality of life.

Another symptom a women feels is the onset of hot flashes and night sweats. She could be sitting in a room and have on a t-shirt and feel so hot she fights the desire to fan herself. In extreme cases she will sweat and go very flush. Night sweats happen when sleeping and she will awake to having her sleep cloths drenched in sweat and the sheets soaken through. Is there a bonus to the change of life? Well some say yes there is… and other say that it is the most difficult time a women faces. With the help of her doctor and her families understanding it can also be a positive time. When going through menopause a women’s menstrual cycle will disappear, and with it the need for birth control.

It is said that it a beautiful time in a women’s life… however I am not looking forward to it.

Symptoms > Menopause symptoms