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Mono Sypmtoms

Symptoms > Mono Sypmtoms

Once thought of as the “kissing disease” We know that mononucleosis can be transmitted in many more ways then by kissing someone. Just by coughing, sneezing or sharing a can of soda pop can transmit mononucleosis. Well found in teenagers, it can be found in younger children but they do not show many signs and it can go undetected.

Once you get Mononucleosis you will not get it again. The reason for this is because the virus never leaves your system and will stay with you for life.

Mono well not highly contagious can be passed on to someone just by sneezing in the same room. Many schools will not allow someone effected back into the school, until they have a medical note from their doctor.

Some of the signs that you might have mono present themselves like the flu, but a blood test will determine if you indeed have the virus.

If you are showing any of these signs consult your doctor for comfirmation of having mono. Extreme fatigue that effects daily activities, sore throat, perhaps even strep throat, a fever that last days, weakness even sitting still, swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in neck, painful headache, skin rashes, and loss of appetite.

After being diagnosed you will be asked to stay away from public places, to prevent others from getting the virus and really you will not feel like going out shopping, and kids like the idea of no school. Those that have a run down immune system, from stress or lack of sleep seem to be hit hardest.

The doctor will order bed rest as there is no medicine that can be taken to get rid of the virus. It will make you feel awful for about four weeks, and in some extreme cases the patients have been in bed for up to eight weeks. The good news is that the virus does die down and you will return a normal lifestyle.

Symptoms > Mono Sypmtoms