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Pregnant? Symptoms And How To Tell

Symptoms > Pregnant? Symptoms And How To Tell

Pregnancy is one of life little mysteries. Symptoms can last through the nine, months well other experience no symptoms. Women have been having babies for hundreds of years, but never has medicine been so advanced as it is today. Pregnancy can be both exciting and scary, especially if you do not “know if you are pregnant.

Pregnancy is one of life’s greatest joys…or so they tell all women. That is unless you are not planning to become a mom, and then it can be anything but joyful .

In our modern world of medicine women no longer have to wait for a missed menstrual cycle to take a pregnancy test. There are actual test on the market that will tell you within 24 hours of conception.

Still the modern women might not think she is pregnant until the symptoms show up. One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is the delay of menstruation. This will continue throughout your whole term. However a delay in your cycle is not proof that you are indeed pregnant. Other possible causes are excessive weight gain or loss, fatigue, hormonal problems etc. However there are other symptoms that will let you know that you are indeed pregnant and those include nausea and vomiting, tender or swollen breasts, feeling exhausted or “sleepy”, backaches ,frequent headaches, food cravings and the list goes on.

The only true way to find out for sure if you are pregnant is to get a blood test from your doctor. All the above symptoms could be all in your head, and you might be worrying for nothing, or they could possibly be some other health issue that needs to be addressed. One thing to always remember is to pay attention to your body, and if you are pregnant the sooner you get to the doctor the healthier you and your child will be.

Symptoms > Pregnant? Symptoms And How To Tell