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Drug treatments

Treatments and Therapies > > Drug treatments

Drug treatments….the modern way to fix all that ailes the world. What would people do with out drugs? That is the question that nags at me everyday. Our children are walking drug stores, we give them pills for not paying attention, pills for obsessive behaviour, pills for anger, for aggression, for stress, and for unknown aches and pains.

Yet we tell them that drugs and smoking are bad. Usually said by a parent that is having a smoke at the time. And you wonder why they are having such a hard time paying attention? Well there are good drug treatment plans for terminal illnesses, our government passed a law saying the those with terminal sickness can grow and buy their own pot to help with the pain. What are well doing? The long term problems that are going to be ahead for the youth of today are horrifying to say the least.

If Tylenol is said to be hard on your stomach, and aspirin can cause an ulcer…. Why are we give them daily to our children for what in my time was called growing pains? What will happen to these kids when they hit their thirties? Will there bodies respond to medication or will they develop a tolerance to medication so that the illness will win long before the invent something that will work?

I am sure that it is easier to give a child a medicine to make them sleep through the night. But who said that raising a child was easy? And come one… if a teacher can not handle a little child speaking out in her class…perhaps she is the one the needs the prozac. I am sure that any day now we will see studies that will show that this drug treatment plan we have children on is causing new problems.

Proper nutrition and discipline is what we need to provide and leave the medicine cabinet shut tight.

Treatments and Therapies > > Drug treatments