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Treatments and Therapies > > Iridology

The detection of any body illness by a deep study of your eyes is iridology. As the different body nerves have their endings in your eyes, they can clearly reflect your weaknesses and developing ailments. You thus get to know your general health conditions through iridology, which can pinpoint in the direction of your deficiency.

You can only identify the problem areas through iridology. It is neither a cure nor any therapy. The minute and delicate nerves around the iris are the mirror to your entire body and hence, any weaknesses or deficiencies find instant reflection in your eyes. Therefore, this can detect any physical/emotional disturbances in their formative stages for you to take up proper medical treatment to cure the same.

The theory of iridology is not a new concept. It is an accepted fact that all medical practitioners first examine your eyes before arriving at any diagnosis. Similarly, iridologists study the magnified photograph of your iris to understand the connective tissues present all over the iris. Any degenerating tissues will signal their source and your problem area.

The iridologists through iridology point to the direction of your prospective illness for you to take necessary steps. However, it is not a substitute for general treatment. They therefore cannot prescribe any medicines or treatments. They will be able to give you an idea of what you may encounter in the near future regarding your health. They can foresee different ailments of your stomach, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, heart conditions, etc.

There is a very fine line dividing iridology from the other avenues of treatment. It is only a preventive tool, which can help you know any forthcoming major illness or disease. This will surely prompt you to take adequate preventive measures to rectify the problem and regain your normal health. Some of the ailments, which may not be still identifiable by laboratory tests, can find their names here.

Treatments and Therapies > > Iridology