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Treatment for Children with ADHD and Dietary Therapies

Treatments and Therapies > > Treatment for Children with ADHD and Dietary Therapies<

The definition of ADHD is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Which is the sister or brother of child of ADD. These characteristics appear in early childhood, are relatively chronic in nature, and are not due to other physical, mental or emotional causes.

From time to time, all children will be inattentive, impulsive and/or exhibit high activity levels. However, for children with ADHD, the persistence, pattern, and frequency of this behavior is much greater. These behaviors are the rule, not the exception. Performance variability is also common among children with ADHD. For instance, it is difficult for teachers to understand why a child can remember homework assignments on Monday and Tuesday but forget them on Wednesday.

Recently a young ten year old boy told me that he was “stupid without his medication” and this was spoken to me slowly with his eyes rolling in his young head. I am at a loss to understand why we don’t get the saying “children will be children” and that if a ten year old child can play all the latest computer games and remember all the secret rooms and passwords after years of playing the games, why we feel all the first sign of a child not paying attention to the decimal systems in school, that we apply drugs.

This is when a child is put of some form of treatment plan and their diet is turned into a therapy plan. Studies have proven that medication will assist in bring a child’s in check, and the side effects to the meds seem to be worth it for the child seems to better in all aspects of his life. As for the dietary therapies these are designed to work with the Childs body chemistry and are proven to be effective.

This leads us to question … If parents paid more attention to a child’s eating habits and physical activities would we not see less labels like ADHD?

Treatments and Therapies > > Treatment for Children with ADHD and Dietary Therapies<