Herbs have magnificent healing powers and can be used to treat many serious yet common ailments and to boost your health.

What is Homeopathy?

Treatments and Therapies > > What is Homeopathy?

The underlying principle of homeopathy is to treat like substances with like cures. This branch of medicine activates your immune system to cure your ailment. It only acts as a positive booster. You get minute dosages of substances, which in large dosages would give rise to ailments in a healthy person. These minute doses activate your inborn healing system and thus homeopathy cures you of your ailment.

The homeopath, practitioner of homeopathy, will assess your full biological history before proceeding ahead with the diagnosis of your ailment. He will enquire into your eating habits, your general health conditions, allergies, any incidence of chronic illness or other serious injuries. The remedy that he then prescribes covers not any single ailment but cures you in entirety.

The raw material for such medicines could range from plant extracts to animal or mineral extracts. The concerned extracts soak in a mixture of water and alcohol and this concentrated extract forms the Mother Tincture. This main constituent in different potencies forms the base of all the medicines of homeopathy. Sugar globules saturate in differently diluted solutions of Mother Tincture to cure an assortment of ailments.

There are no side effects of these medicines. It is safe for pregnant mothers and for your pets too. The totality of ailments undergo cure through homeopathy. In reality, while prescribing medicines the homeopath also takes into consideration the prevailing season for activating your body immune system as your biological setup differs according to the seasons of nature.

As homeopathy analyzes every individual separately, the medication will also not be the same for people with the same ailments. The reason being the biological build up is not the same for any two individuals. Every person’s lifestyle, nutrition levels, stress factors, emotional and physical health, working environments, family medical history, etc. are exclusive. Hence, the medication also has to be different and it is just not possible to prescribe any medicine across the counter.

Treatments and Therapies > > What is Homeopathy?