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Your Guide to Ayurveda

Treatments and Therapies > > Your Guide to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science, the ‘science of life’. Ayurveda is about ten thousand years old, the oldest healing science until date. The system concentrates on firstly healing the illness, secondly preventing the disease and thirdly longevity. It is a science, which treats not just the symptoms but also the root cause of the problem.

Ayurveda is a hundred percent natural science. The causes of illness are spiritual factors when you loose faith in the divine presence, internal factor like liquids and food substances we consume and external factors like lifestyles or seasons. The major cause of disease is imbalance like poor digestion and low immunity. When our body is unable to digest the food we eat, it remains in the body. The essential nutrients in the body are not absorbed and the food starts decaying. This decaying food releases toxins cause diseases in the body. Thus, good digestion is the most important factor that influences your health.

According to Ayurveda all life forms are made from three energy elements namely Vayu or Vat i.e. air, Pitt is fire and Kapha or water. When all the three elements vat, pitt and kapha are balanced a person is healthy and when not, he is ill. The imbalance of one or more of these elements causes all disorders. Every person’s constitution or Dosha has one or more of these elements. A vayu dosha (air constitution) has a bony, thin constitution with drying skin, constipation and gas. The mental state of such persons is nervous and anxious.

The persons with the fire constitution or pit dosha, Ayurveda says these are strong, good leaders, goal oriented and are warm in nature. In case they have the imbalance in the pitt dosha they are impatient and hot tempered. The physical symptoms are rashes, acne, liver, kidney, heart and spleen diseases. The kapha dosha or water constitution persons are loyal, calm and strong. When they have imbalance in the kapha dosha they become lethargic with a greedy nature. Their physical problems may range from overweight, congestion, kidney or heart problems etc.

According to Ayurveda, an extreme lifestyle along with poor nutrition, too much work and drugs can be detrimental to your health and your immune system. Good nutrition gives you vital energy that boosts the immune system and gives mental peace along with spiritual growth.See Ayurveda and Liver damage

Treatments and Therapies > > Your Guide to Ayurveda