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Vitamin E

vitamins And Minerals > > Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of those vitamins and minerals not talked about much. Consequently, not many people know much about what it does. Vitamin E, however, is important to the body, and should part of the every day diet.

Vitamin E is fat soluble, which means it can be absorbed by fat. It protects fatty acids from oxidation. This means that fatty acids (the building blocks of the lipids that make up cell membranes) are regulated in their break down. This prevents them from metabolizing (being consumed by body processes) too quickly. Vitamin E is essential to the process that keeps the tissues of the body from breaking down.

Additionally, vitamin E works to protect vitamin A from oxidation as well. The necessity of vitamin E to vitamin A illustrates the way many vitamins and minerals work together in the body to keep it functioning as it should. Some studies suggest that vitamin E may prevent coronary (heart) disease.

It is recommended that adult men and children over the age of 4 receive 10 milligrams of vitamin E per day. However, women aged 19-50 should take only 8 milligrams per day. Women who are pregnant or lactating (breast feeding) need 8-10 milligrams per day in order to ensure that the baby is receiving proper nutrition.

A deficiency of vitamin E can result in dizziness or anemia (low red blood cell count). Night cramps in the calves can also result from a deficiency of vitamin E. Diseases of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder can prevent a proper absorption of vitamin E.

However, because vitamin E is so common, it is rare to actually find a deficiency. Infants can experience potential problems, as the transfer of vitamin E from woman to fetus doesn't occur until late in the pregnancy (although it is transferred through breast milk). This is why infants are often prescribed supplements of vitamin E.

Vegetable oils are some of the most common purveyors of vitamin E. Because vegetable oils are used so frequently in cooking, it is possible for vitamin E to transfer to food. However, it is important to remember that extremely high temperatures (like those used in deep-fat frying) can actually destroy vitamin E. This is why many processed foods have lost the nutritional value of vitamin E. Green leafy vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E. Whole-grain products and egg yolk are also good sources of vitamin E.

There are vitamin E supplements available for adults, and vitamin E can be found with its fellow vitamins and minerals in multivitamins. It is also possible to find foods, especially cold breakfast cereals, enriched with vitamin E.

In order to keep the body in proper "working order" it is important to remember vitamin E among those vitamins and minerals needed to maintain good health.

vitamins And Minerals > > Vitamin E