Herbs have magnificent healing powers and can be used to treat many serious yet common ailments and to boost your health.

How to Properly Remove a Tick

Remove the tick promptly; the sooner you remove it, the less chance of infection.

Use either a tick-removing device or fine-point tweezers. Do not squeeze the tick's body; grasp it where its mouthparts enter the skin and tug gently and repeatedly, until it releases its hold by withdrawing its barbed mouthpart from your skin. Above all, be patient - proper tick removal will take time. Wipe the bite area with antiseptic.

Put the tick into a small container, such as a pill bottle or zip-lock bag, along with a few blades of grass, labeled with the date and the body location where the tick was attached. Record the place where you think you acquired the tick.

Call your local or state board of health if you want to have the tick identified. To have the tick tested for tick-borne diseases, contact a laboratory that has facilities for this. To find the names of two such laboratories as well as more information on tick testing, read Tick Testing Facilities" in this section.