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Tamanu Oil

Tamanu Oil > Tamanu In Traditional Medicine

Tamanu In Traditional Medicine

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Wherever the Tamanu tree grows the South Pacific people have learned of its importance as an effective medicine. Tamanu oil is largely known in South Pacific countries, as the ‘sacred oil or ‘green gold’. Both Melanesians and Polynesian cultures regard Tamanu oil as one of nature’s sacred gifts.   

For thousands of years Tamanu oil has held a respected and valuable place in traditional South Pacific medicine for pain relief such as neuralgia (nerve-pain), arthritis, pulled muscles, ligament damage and sprains. The natural chemical compounds in Tamanu oil have anti-inflammatory properties, therefore when applied reduces pain and swelling associated with these conditions. Tamanu oil can even relieve sore throat when applied externally to the neck.   

Tamanu Oil for Acne, Eczema Psoriasis information click here

Tamanu In Modern Medicine

Today, Tamanu oil has drawn all the attention of the scientific community. Scientific studies have clearly found that Tamanu oil is a significant healing agent that regenerates cells of the epidermis (production of new skin tissues). Most importantly studies have found that Tamanu oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties. Therefore, scientists have confirmed the use of Tamanu oil is a natural way to treat many conditions such as; psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease and eczema and acne.

The Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists has researched Tamanu oil chemical compounds and the beneficial effects in the role of anti-ageing and improvement of scars. The Bioscience Laboratories concluded that Tamanu oil’s ability to improve the appearance of scars was significant after a nine week study was completed on six subjects with obvious scars for one year or more. The effect on the subjects scar length was reduced by an average 0.28 centimeters, and width was reduced by an average 0.12 centimeters.   

Tamanu oil was applied twice daily for nine weeks on obviously improvement appeared after six weeks and continued throughout the nine week test. Quantitative measurements of skin color for melanin (darkness) and hemoglobin (redness) were made on the scar and surrounding normal skin areas, as well scars were rated for roughness, length and width.   

Source: Dweck, A.C.: Calophyllum inophyllum – Tamanu oil the African, Asian, Polynesian and Pacific Panacea. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 24, 6, 1-8 (2002).

Other medicine uses for Tamanu oil

  • burns and blister
  • diabetic sores
  • sunburn
  • dry or scaly skin
  • athletes foot
  • the relief of neuralgia, sciatica & rheumatism
  • foot odor and body odor
  • unsightly age spots
  • insect bites

Other Traditional uses for the Tamanu Tree in the South Pacific

  • Flower
    • used in leis (garlands) and to scent hair
  • Oil
    • used as a wood finish
    • Illumination/torches the oil can be used as lamp oil.
  • Wood and carvings
    • In Hawaii the tree provides one of the most valuable woods on the market. It has been used for paneling and furniture.
    • In Palau it is a favorite wood for carving traditional storyboards.
    • The tree has traditionally been used in boat building.

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  • Bark
    • The bark is used as shingles for house walls in Yap.
    • Latex from the cut bark has been made into a poison to kill rodents and stun fish.
  • Coastal protection
    • The tree grows in coastal areas protects coastlines and stabilizes dunes, and the dense foliage shelters more sensitive plants from salt spray.
  • Ceremonial/religious
    • The tree is a sacred tree in some Pacific island traditions and has been planted alongside temples. The tree is mentioned in old Hawaiian chants, and they were planted around altars in ancient times.

Support Community Trade

Our Tamanu oil is 100% natural from the island of Malekua in Vanuatu. Malekua is a volcanic island spread over 2000 square kilometers of lush and mountainous peaks. Its 1800 inhabitants live mainly along the coast and on the tiny islands offshore. Tamanu Trees on Malekua Island grow largely along the coastline where it is believed that the oil produced has much more beneficial properties than inland trees.

The selling of Tamanu oil benefits many families on Malekua Island and helps their small rural community to earn a sustainable income and is a significant step forward in the fight against poverty in Vanuatu. Our Tamanu oil is 100% pure and supports rural communities in Malekua Island which sets it apart from other Tamanu oils on the market.

Tamanu Oil is derived from a nut we recommend that you test the product on a small area of your skin first.

The Oil of Tamanu contains basic classes of lipids (fats), enumerated below.

General lipid composition Percentage
Neutral lipids 92%
Glycolipids 6.4%
Phospholipids 1.6%
Neutral lipids
Monoacylglycerols 1.8%
sn  -1,3 – Diaglycerides 2.4%
sn  -1,2 (2,3) – Diaglycerides 2.6%
Free fatty acids 7.4%
Triacylglycerols 82.3%
Sterols, sterolesters and hydrocarbons 3.5%
Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol 11.4%
Acylated sterolglucoside 13.1%
Monogalactosylmonoacylglycerol 22.2%
Acylmonogalactosyldiacylglycerol 53.3%
Phosphatidylethanolamine 46.3%
Phosphatidylcholine 33.8%
Phosphatidic acid 8.1%
Phosphatidylserine 6.1%
Lysophosphatidylcholine 5.7%

Source: The Journal of the American Botanical Council – Issue 63 (Pages: 26-31)

Tamanu Oil > Tamanu In Traditional Medicine